Even the dining area catalogues the duo’s love for wood, white, and
open spaces. The wooden dining table is lit with a low, cottage-style
chandelier. The kitchen and Arjun’s study flank it on either sides, with a
media room nestled next to the dining area.
As you walk upstairs to the family room, bedrooms, a utility area, a
gym, and a guest room, you can’t help but notice the art embellishing
the house. From Usha Biswas to Siddharth, and Tanjore paintings to
caricatures of the family done on trips abroad, something is always
there to greet you. “When I shop for the house, I don’t look for big
names. The piece should mean something more to me than just a decor
item and should bind a space together,” says Manpreet.
The landing corridor connects the family room, a living area for the
kids (Om, 7, and Lakshmie, 4) and their friends, and the kids’ playroom.
On the other end of the passage is the family room, Manpreet’s
favourite area in the house. The room is dominated by a large LCD TV,
comfortable furniture, a quilted leather table that also doubles as a foot
rest, a small kitchenette for mid-night snacking, and Manpreet’s desk.
Placed strategically against a huge window overlooking the main
entrance to the house and the park beyond, it is Manpreet’s “watch
tower.” It is from here that the lady of the house dispenses her duties. “I
get to know who is coming or going and can keep an eye on the kids
when they arc in the park,” says the indulgent mother. “And it is in this
family room where the essence of my home lies,” Manpreet adds. iS)
A view of the washroom on the ground floor,
page, top left.
A motif on the vanity adds interest.
The media room,
facing page, top right,
is Arjun’s
favourite area and houses his entertainment gadgets.
These leather recliners were custom-made too.
The view of the smoking zone from the dining room,
facing page, below.
All rooms in the house have a
window to let in the light and also bring the outdoors
in. “I have maximized as many open spaces as I could
manage,” says Manpreet.
The family room—Manpreet’s fave room in the house
where the Wallia family spends time together,
Here too, one wall is dominated by a huge window. The
cushions are from Good Earth, one of Manpreet’s
favourite stores.
~ J
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